Announcement: COSAL President Message 2021

by Heidi Silton

I am honored this year to serve as the President of the Committee to Support the Antitrust Laws, and excited to continue the diligence and successes of my predecessors.  Since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a new set of stressors and uncertainty have reshaped our world, and have made personal connections seem more precious and our work as lawyers as important as ever.  These new challenges have not hindered COSAL from spearheading advocacy, progression, and lobbying in support of antitrust laws in the United States. In fact, 2020 brought many new and exciting opportunities for COSAL and included the permanent reauthorization of the Antitrust Criminal Penalty Enhancement and Reform Act (ACPERA), 5 new committees each engaged in important work, work on amicus briefing, newsletters, panel discussions and a brand new website (, and more.  As we transition into 2021, our energy has not waned—in fact, we have already formed a new Diversity and Inclusion Committee and are excited for the many opportunities 2021 will bring. 

We remain dedicated to the ever-changing circumstances of the world and the impact it will have on the U.S. antitrust laws.  As we celebrate and work during our 35th anniversary year, we look forward to promoting and supporting the enactment, preservation, and enforcement of a strong body of antitrust laws in the United States. We remain the only organization in the U.S. that is dedicated to lobbying for strong antitrust laws and effective private enforcement. 

We also plan on continuing to find new and exciting ways to connect with our robust and growing membership across the United States.  This past year, we held virtual conferences, engaged in intellectual debate on antitrust topics, wrote amicus briefs, submitted comments to the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules on Federal Rules, and grew our membership with fun from-home connection.  We look forward to continuing those efforts in 2021, and also moving towards a future where we will be able to gather in person to work on antitrust issues, share stories, connect with colleagues, and meet new friends.  In that spirit, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has participated in our events, worked on our ever expanding agenda, or otherwise worked to promote and support antitrust enforcement and COSAL’s work this past year. Your work is an integral part of COSAL, and I hope you will continue to be involved and support us in 2021.  I look forward to connecting with each one of you individually and working collectively towards an ever brighter and more accountable future.


Advocacy: Justice Restored-Ending Forced Arbitration Congressional Hearing


Advocacy: COSAL 2020 Wrap Up