COSAL Supports Reintroduction of CALERA by Senator Amy Klobuchar

β€œThe Committee to Support the Antitrust Laws (COSAL) applauds Sen. Klobuchar for introducing the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act. The range of reforms in CALERA will strengthen antitrust enforcement and enhance the ability of consumers, small businesses, and families to challenge corporate monopolies and illegal collusion that raise prices, making our economy stronger and our marketplace fairer. Among its many excellent provisions, the legislation would establish financial rewards for antitrust whistleblowers, providing incentives to uncover and report antitrust violations, similar to successful programs that exist for financial crimes.” - COSAL President Greg Asciolla

Read Senator Klobuchar's statement. 


Amicus Brief: Atlantic City Hotels Algorithmic Price-Fixing Case


Lunchtime Insights with Minnesota Assistant Attorney General and NAAG Task Force Chair Elizabeth Odette